
  • Published rest of doctoral work


  • Successfully defended my doctoral work!

    Oct 2023

  • Presented talk at ACS Spring 2023

    Mar 2023

  • Presented at GRC Metals in Biology

    Jan 2023

  • Interned at 3M Corporate Research Analytical Lab

    Summer 2022

  • Passed my Original Research Proposal (all but defense!)

    March 2022

  • Became a PhD candidate

    November 2020

  • Started a PhD program at University of Illinois

    29 August 2019

  • Graduated from Rollins College summa cum laude in Chemistry

    13 May 2018

  • Presented poster at ACS National Meeting Spring 2018

    March 2018

Miscellaneous Mentions

In 2017 I was a Goldwater scholar finalist. This was covered by my undergraduate college magazine Rollins360.

A Rollins College Sandspur article about my role organizing Rollins’ participation in Orlando’s March for Science 2017.

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